Monday, June 15, 2009

Creating and Sustaining Positive Change - Follow-up retreat

After having a great experience in the Choose, Change & Become retreat, we welcome everyone to this follow-up retreat at Peace Village. We have learned how to transform our intentions in order to become a true leader, and we hope that all of us are implementing it in our day-to-day lives. But howsoever simple it may sound, the implementation part is usually the toughest.

How do we sustain the change in our intentions? What is the method to do it? In this upcoming retreat, as we get together again... let's share our experiences, and get to know ways of sustaining the positive change. "Let's be the change we wish to see" - sustainably

To register, please email:

In celebration of the 10 year anniversary of Peace Village - 10 years of creating and sustaining positive change

Stay Connected

Now that the retreat is complete and everyone left with high spirits and aspiring intentions, it's necessary to keep that new energy going alive inside of us. It's helpful to revisit those simple and profound experiences in order recall and reconnect to the new awareness of the self found over the weekend.

Video Clips from the retreat!! Enjoy.

Share your experience
Please feel free to share your experiences from the retreat for other participants to read and relate to. Click on the COMMENTS link to post your experience.